Saturday, 12 January 2013

Scrapbooking. New Year gift + notebook cover.

For New Year my loved one gave a huge gift - sewing machine! So pretty! And with so many possibilities!!!

And just on time to try it my co-worker asked if i could make for her a notebook cover. Every year our company gives us notebooks with our logo, and she wanted to make the cover a little less serious :) Her description was: make it so it wouldn't have sticking out elements - i will need to put it in the bag. So, all elements are smooth :) well, almost :)


Sinnamon said...

Катя, поздравляю! Швейная машинка - ну очень нужная вещь;)) И классная обложка - сразу видно, машинка уже в деле! :))

katyapetrovna said...

Олечка, спасибо большое! Не могу нарадоваться! Ты абсолютно права - машинка действительно нужная вещь! :) работы выглядят совершенно по-другому! :)

katyapetrovna said...
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